You know I can’t be wastin time
Cus gotta get my fun
I got to keep on movin
Cant stop til it’s all done
Listen when I tell ya, you got no time for fix
Cus I just gotta make it, cant afford to miss
And there’s one reason, I’m tellin you this
I feels bad….
And I’m lookin for a kiss
Why wontcha tell me, why those kids are moving so slow
Is it just because they dont have no place to go
When the day starts breakin, the sun is gonna shine
It’s hard to sleep, when I been cryin
All you ladies are on
Yor way to church (I’m beggin)
Will I just be a’ roamin
Lookin for the thing that I search
Listen when I tell ya, you got no time for fix
Cus I just gotta make it, cant afford to miss
And there’s one reason, I’m tellin you this
I feels bad….
And I’m lookin for a kiss
Well I been lookin for a real hot kiss…
You think it’s bad, but you know that its true
So why don’t let me live baby
When I’m lookin for a kiss
When everyone goes to your house, they shoot up in your room
Most of them are beautiful, but so obsessed with gloom
I aint gonna be here, when they all get home
They’re always lookin at me, they wont leave me alone
I didnt come here, lookin for no fix (I know…)
I been houndin the street all night late baby
Justa lookin for a kiss
I been fixin a kiss
I didnt come here, lookin for no fix (I know…)
I been haulin booty, all night long
Just lookin for a kiss
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La divertida comedia de ‘Adventureland’ gira alrededor de todos esos problemas adolescentes. Ya saben, liarse con personas del género opuesto y si hablamos de ligar, nada mejor que ambientar la escena con “Looking for a Kiss” de New York Dolls. La canción formaba parte de su primer larga duración, publicado en julio de 1973, y que fue incluido en el puesto número 213 en el ranking de ‘500 Mejores Discos de la Histoira’ que eleabró Rolling Stone.